Mmass of earth
Mmass of earth

Two decades ago scientists said global warming will cause changes to our environment no one listened, now I’m seeing it in my part of the world. All the great minds need to come together, but unfortunately no one of any importance will probably listen to their plea for change. I use pyramids only because they show longevity of how long ago something can still be around thousands of years later. Humans are a higher form of intelligent life not like dinosaurs so we are capable of figuring things out, unfortunately we are better at designing items for bad(war,eg) and not so much good(pyramids,eg). So hopefully governments and large corporations can change their money hungry ideas and try making positive decisions on environmental choices to eliminate the decline of the human impact of waste. So far the longest living creatures ever recorded were not humans but dinosaur fossils, and they were around during different stages of the evolution of earth and they were around for a millennium. There is no way of knowing whether the earth would be different today without humans. The earth is alive and human interference of the natural course of how the earth would have evolved has been changed. The Earth is a complex ecosystem and is out of balance with the progression of human interaction with it. Our climate is changing in my lifetime of almost 64 years. I’m so glad that none of you are astrophysicists. If we add mass to the whole thing we can again increase population and desalinate the oceans and continue to grow for perhaps the next thousand years. Water vapor and water stabilizes weather makes more plants grow. It’s in more people more pipes more water towers. The swings up and down in temperature are from a net change in where out water is. If we did this and it was large enough and done gradually we could effect the whole planet. Hopefully something made mostly of water. The energy expended to pull a chunk of asteroid into near earths orbital path would be minimal and depending on size it would have to be broken up before we let it add to the mass of the earth. Like a bola spinning in space if we take from the moon it is a zero mass gain. The solution? We need ice and mass from other planets, we can’t get it from the moon, because that’s part of our total mass make up. We are losing heat to space from every engine every air conditioner every house that is poorly insulated. It’s not the gases that we lose it’s the fuel turned into heat. When we burn anything from wood to fuel to kerosene that heat rises up and eventually is cooled by space. It’s a complex system but there’s something you are missing.

Mmass of earth